#WEWRIWA A Time For Will #Erotic #Romance #SciFi

Do you like a little time travel with your erotic romance? Writing A Time For Will was fun as I combined the genres of romance and erotica with a touch of SciFi.

The story so far: solar storms have ripped a hole in the time-space continuum sending Will Dawson forward in time from 1895 to 2017. He has landed on the long-abandoned Pettigrew farm shortly before sisters Lissie and Hope Pettigrew arrive for the weekend.

Lissie and Hope think Will is an actor, sent by their sister Verity who loves practical jokes. Lissie decides to play along (edited for brevity):

“Okay, Verity,” she said to the bushes. “You can come out now.”

“I told you,” Will said fiercely, “I’m the only one here.”

Lissie grinned. “I believe you, cowboy.” Sidling next to him, she caught his primal smell; it spoke of hard work and honest labor.

He narrowed his eyes at her.

She brushed some dust from his shoulder. “I’ve been asking Santa for someone like you my entire life. I guess the wait was worth it.” She made a kissy face at him.

Disclaimer: A Time For Will is intended for a mature audience, ages 18+. Scenes include spanking adult women and explicitly sexual situations. If such content may offend, please do not buy this book. 

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